
Tag Archives: Harris County

Getting into Trouble While on Vacation

Some Options for Out of Towners Who Run into the Law While on Vacation

It’s probably not the best idea in the world to get in trouble when you are on vacation, or visiting another city.  It makes it very hard on you both logistically and financially.  I have run into this problem quite a bit as of late.  On average I might get 1 or 2 cases a year from out of towner’s who either partied too hard, or made a dumb mistake while they were here.  The problem ends of being that we lose a lot of potential options when you cannot commit yourself to living in Harris County.

Harris County Pre-Trial Diversion Program

Sometimes, especially for first offenders, there are programs available that can lead to dismissals.  One of the programs, the pre-trial diversion program, requires individuals to complete all of their conditions in Harris County.  A Pre-Trial diversion is a type of program that allows you to complete a probation-like program while your case is still open and pending, and allows you to earn a dismissal.  Because the pre-trial diversion is a Harris County specific program, it cannot be transferred to another county (unlike some probations can be).

I had a client who lives 4 hours away, and while that isn’t too far, it’s just far enough to where it would make it tough to travel to Houston 2 or 3 times a month.  Before, out of towner’s were not considered at all for the program, but I was told in this case that he is eligible for the program, but would have to commit to coming down for monthly meetings, random drug tests, community service, classes, etc in Harris County.

The Issues Around Living Far From Harris County

While this option is a no brainer for residents of Harris County and surrounding communities, it is a much tougher decision when you live out of town.  To make it worse, you cannot transfer a probation that is 6 months (what he was being offered).  So if he wanted to do a deferred adjudication to try to avoid a conviction, we actually would have had to ask to do MORE probation just to allow him to do his probation in his home town.  My client has expressed interesting in just paying a fine because it is the easiest thing to do.  That is the worst idea possible as it is a lifetime conviction, and something that will potentially keep an individual from getting jobs/apartments for the rest of their life.

It’s unfortunate that people feel stuck in these situations.  It is never a good idea to get in trouble, but it’s a horrible idea to get into trouble far from home.

New Harris County First Chance Intervention Program

Earlier this year Harris County unveiled a new First Chance Intervention program. It is intended for first time offenders charged with Class B misdemeanor possession of marijuana for up to 2 ounces. The purpose of this program is to give first time offenders a free chance at a dismissal for possession of a small amount of marijuana. This will also hopefully help with the cluttered court rooms in Harris County.

Cambios al Programa de Desviación Previo al Juicio en el Condado de Harris

There are changes coming for the Pre-Trial Diversion Programs by the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.  The most important change has to do with the ability of an individual to apply for an expunction on the case.

3 Cambios importantes al programa de desviación previo al juicio en el Condado de Harris

Hay cambios que se avecinan para los programas de desvío de Cuestiones Preliminares de la Oficina del Fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Harris. El cambio más importante tiene que ver con la capacidad de un individuo para solicitar una expurgación sobre el caso.

Cambios de Duración del programa de Diversion Previo al Juicio

En antes, cuando era aceptado en un programa de desviación previa al juicio (intervención) tenia que firmar un largo contrato con el Estado de Texas. Estos programas solían ser de 1 año para los delitos menores y en cualquier lugar a partir de 1-3 años por delitos graves. Ahora, todos los delitos menores para desvíos preventiva (en excepción el programa de DWI que es muy diferente) son 6 meses de duración.

Desviación previo al juicio: Requisito de Servicio a la Comunidad

Otro cambio en el Programa de Desviación de Cuestiones Preliminares es la cantidad de servicio comunitario requerido. Antes, la cantidad de servicio a la comunidad en el contrato era de 80 horas, que ascendieron a 10 días completos o 20 días y medio de trabajo voluntario. Esto fue muy difícil para los individuos que eran estudiantes de tiempo completo o aquellos que trabajaban a tiempo completo. Ahora los nuevos contratos sólo requieren 16 horas, que está a sólo 2 días de servicio comunitario. Esto es mucho más razonable, y no hay excusa para completar las horas.

Desviación Previo al Juicio: Intervención de Cuestiones Preliminares y expurgación

En mi opinión, el cambio más importante para el Programa de Desviación de Cuestiones Preliminares en el Condado de Harris tiene que ver con la solicitud de una expurgación. En el antiguo contrato, se les dijo que los individuos mediante la introducción del programa, que están de acuerdo de no buscar una expurgación durante al menos 2 años a partir de la fecha en que el programa ha terminado y su caso es despedido. Así que en un caso normal hurtos delito menor, se necesitarían 3 años (1 año de desvío juicio previo, 2 años de espera), además de en cualquier momento ante el tribunal que se tardó en conseguir realmente en el programa, por lo general 60 a 90 días. En virtud de los cambios determinados casos, tales como el robo, será inmediatamente elegible para expunctions. Esto significa que la misma persona que fue acusado de robo de ahora podría buscar una expurgación después de sólo 6 meses en lugar de más de 3 años.

Sin embargo, algunos casos aún tendrán un período de espera de 2 años. Algunos de esos casos son:

Delitos menores Clase A no mencionados anteriormente tendrán 1 año esperando períodos en lugar del antiguo período de 2 años. Y cualquier otro delito menor de clase B no tendrá ningún período de espera.

Esto es, por supuesto, siempre sujeta a cambios, ya que es una política de la Oficina del Condado de Harris del Fiscal del Distrito. Pero como es, en el momento de la escritura, esto es un gran cambio para los que podría ser la mala suerte de estar pasando por este proceso. Si tiene preguntas específicas, póngase en contacto con nuestros abogados sobre su caso.

First Chance Intervention Program

Harris County’s new program, the First Chance Intervention Program has been initiative by the DA’s Office, in cooperation with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office and the Houston Police Department. It is for individuals caught with a class B amount (0-2 ounces) of marijuana.Harris County’s new program, the First Chance Intervention Program has been initiative by the DA’s Office, in cooperation with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office and the Houston Police Department. It is for individuals caught with a class B amount (0-2 ounces) of marijuana.

Eligibility for First Chance Intervention Program

A person is considered a first offender and is eligible to participate in the First Chance Intervention Program program if he or she:

  • Is detained or arrested for possession of marijuana, 2 ounces or less;
  • Possesses sufficient identifying information;
  • Has no additional charges out of the instant detention/arrest (other than Class C tickets);
  • Has no outstanding warrants or holds (including Class C charges);
  • Has no criminal convictions as an adult (Class B offense or greater);
  • Has never received probation or deferred adjudication (Class B offense or greater);
  • Is not currently on bond, deferred adjudication or probation (Class B offense or greater); and
  • Has not previously participated in this program or another pretrial intervention program.

New Harris County Pre-Trial Diversion Deadlines

There are new deadlines in the timing of pre-trial diversions. This morning in county court 5 of Harris County I had a client’s application denied for the pre-trial intervention program because she did not submit her application on time. As of recently, you must submit your application within 60 days of your first court appearance.  My client submitted her application on day 68.There are new deadlines in the timing of pre-trial diversions. This morning in county court 5 of Harris County I had a client’s application denied for the pre-trial intervention program because she did not submit her application on time. As of recently, you must submit your application within 60 days of your first court appearance.  My client submitted her application on day 68.

Applications must be submitted 1 week before court and must include a letter accepting responsibility and explaining why you deserve to be admitted into the pre-trial diversion program instead of getting deferred adjudication.  I also require my clients to submit a separate letter of apology.  Applications also must include 2 to 3 letters of recommendation from non-family members who are aware of the charge.  Additionally, there must be proof that the applicant is in school, employed, or in the process of applying for school.  And finally in certain cases additional items such as drug tests (drug cases), and anti-theft classes (theft cases), might be required.

Even though my client is in their early twenties, and a prime candidate for the pre-trial diversion program she was denied based on the fact that she procrastinated and did not get me the items I needed in the first 60 days.  While I personally do not agree with this time deadline, as it does not give adequate time to the defense to conduct a full investigation of the case, it seems the DA’s office is pushing the deadline requirement hard at the moment.

It is very important to submit your items to your attorney as soon as possible.  I always tell my clients that their part (letters, transcripts, proof of employment, etc) is easy.  These are things that can be done in an hour or less.  The hard part is getting others to give you letters.  People are busy, and very rarely can people stop their everyday lives to do someone else a favor.  In my experience I have seen over and over that people struggle getting recommendation letters from their friends, co-workers, teachers, etc.  If you are in the unfortunate situation of having to apply for a pre-trial diversion it is essential that you ask for your letters ASAP!  That way, if your friends take 3 weeks to give you the letter, you still have plenty of time before the deadline hits.

A pre-trial diversion is always a backup plan, but if you are lucky enough to qualify it’s important to take it seriously.  It can result in a dismissal, and a clean record.