Case Results: 4 Cases Dismissed

Good week for clients last weekGood week for clients last week

We had 4 dismissals!

  • Theft case where client was accused of shoplifting.
  • Failure to ID case where client was accused of walking into a animal cremation center and refusing to leave or give officers her name.
  • Interfering w/ duties of officer where client was accused of not listening to cops (thanks to their home surveillance system on this one!)
  • Prostitution where client was accused of agreeing to sex with an undercover officer in a strip club.

If you have a similar criminal case, please contact us today at 713-222-2828 for a FREE CONSULTATION!

We had 4 dismissals!

  • Theft case where client was accused of shoplifting.
  • Failure to ID case where client was accused of walking into a animal cremation center and refusing to leave or give officers her name.
  • Interfering w/ duties of officer where client was accused of not listening to cops (thanks to their home surveillance system on this one!)
  • Prostitution where client was accused of agreeing to sex with an undercover officer in a strip club.

If you have a similar criminal case, please contact us today at 713-222-2828 for a FREE CONSULTATION!

Eric Benavides
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